Prestone Rapid Windscreen De-Icer |600ml|

Prestone Windshield De-Icer Spray is made from a concentrated, high-performance, ice-melting formula. It melts ice fast and helps reduce dangerous refreeze. The Prestone De-Icer Spray comes with a convenient ice scraper top that helps clear icy windshields fast. The scraper is made of a strong polycarbonate material that is stronger than the conventional plastic used in most scrapers. The kit uses methanol, which is the most effective alcohol for the job. This de-icer spray for cars has the right formula of methanol for strong ice melting power without harming your car's glass or paint finish. Whether you live in an area that sees ice every day for months or just once in a while, you need an easy way to keep your windshield clear. This Prestone Windshield De-Icer Spray is as easy as it gets.

Prestone Windshield De-Icer Spray
- Methanol is considered the most effective alcohol for melting ice
- The high methanol content in Prestone Windshield De-Icer ensures strong ice melting power
- Prestone De-Icer Spray's specially designed, micro-edge ice scraper can withstand tough use
- The polycarbonate blade is stronger than conventional plastics found in many scrapers
Product Code: AS244UK

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